Our laying process is fast and efficient minimising any disruption to you and your property
Typical drive before installation
Excavation of the existing driveway or path
Removal and disposal of all materials
Dolomite laid and compacted to form a stable sub-base
Existing drain covers replaced
ACO drainage installed as required
Construction of steps
High strength fibre matrix concrete laid and levelled
The concrete is trowel finished with a magnesium bull-float
The colour hardener is applied by hand
The colour hardener is then mixed with the contract using a steel float
The concrete is then allowed to harden before imprinting
Release agent powder is applied before imprinting
Mould mats are applied to the concrete to suit the pattern of your choice
Stress relief cuts are made and sealed on large areas to prevent cracking
The drive and property are fully cleaned
Acrylic sealer is applied, sealing the concrete - making the suface impervious to oil and dirt
Your finished drive is now - Free from moss, weeds, sinking and stains